Women in Noblesville (WIN)

Supporting and Promoting Women in Business

The Women in Noblesville (WIN) Network was born out of the need for connection among women business owners and leaders in Hamilton County. Founded as an outreach of the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce in 2014, WIN has regular monthly meetings, a leadership event, and a positive track record of connecting women across the community.

The WIN network offers opportunity for women to connect socially, grow personally, network, and connect while serving in the community. The strength of connections, relationships, and knowledge, along with the power of confidence, courage, and determination form the foundation for the Women in Noblesville (WIN) network.

Formed as a method to serve the specific and unique needs of women business owners and leaders, the WIN network has grown to over 150 women.

Women in business face various challenges, which include the following topics:

  • Work-life balance
  • Relationship development
  • Empathy in the workplace
  • Mental health support
  • Business growth

Women in Noblesville (WIN) offers relevant programming, opportunities for mentoring, and the ability to connect and build alliances across the community.

Leading and Connecting

The easiest way to get connected to Women in Noblesville (WIN) is to attend the monthly Coffee & Connect event, held on the second Wednesday of each month at The Sagamore Club. The casual gathering allows for connection and socialization among local women business leaders. It’s also a great way to learn about upcoming events such as luncheons or after-hour events.

The WIN Network is led by an active and dynamic group of volunteer leaders:

Dr. Pasha of SkyView Dental delivers an inspiring message to aspiring women business owners.

Kathy Young

First Merchants Bank

Neilia Brown

The Business Builders

Amanda Rubeck

STAR Financial

Deirdre Fisher

Shepherd Insurance

Holly Homan

JRNY Counseling

Amanda Sylvester

Edward Jones

Women in Noblesville (WIN Network) events are open to all and made possible, in part, through sponsorship by STAR Financial Bank.

Connect with our energetic and inspirational group of Noblesville’s women professionals. Please consider attending a free Coffee and Connect event, sign up for a luncheon, or join us for a fun, seasonal event. We’d love to join you on your career journey.

Ready to Join?

Click here to access the online member application or call us today at (317) 773-0086.

Upcoming Events

Taste of Business

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Admission tickets are now available for the 25th Anniversary of Taste of Business! Reserve your ticket now and visit 100 businesses, including local restaurants, and get behind-the-scenes looks at local manufacturers. Purchase guest tickets for this event HERE.

WIN Lunch and Learn

Friday, March 28, 2025

Join us as WIN launces its 2025 Lunch & Learn Series with Rachael Coverdale of Coverdale Consulting. Register today - space is limited to 35 attendees.

State of Health

Wednesday, April 23, 2025

Join us for an enlightening State of Health Address featuring Dave Hyatt, CEO of Riverview Health for insights into the health of Hamilton County. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from leading healthcare experts.

Unlock the best of Noblesville Chamber! View all our upcoming events with just one click.